Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A new Google Maps mashup from The World Bank

Geo.Worldbank.org: The World Bank Group has just completed their second Google Maps mashup project which is called Geo.Worldbank.org. This mashup presents extensive information about various countries: data, projects The World Bank has ongoing in-country, news, income level and location of their public information centers. In late May/07 I blogged about The World Bank Group's "Doing Business Map". A representative from The World Bank notified me to let Google Maps Mania readers know that this map project has been renamed "Business Planet" and has been upgraded with 20 more maps from their collection. Business Planet features maps that cover over 190 economies across issues like "How easy it is to do business", "How often firms are expected to bribe tax inspectors", and much more. The "About" section at the top has all the details. Related: U.N. Launches Poverty Monitoring Site With Google (Also see this post from the Google Lat Long Blog )

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