Monday, July 14, 2008

WorldKit - easy web mapping

worldKit is an easy to use and flexible mapping application for the Web. Light weight GIS. It's a SWF based app, configured by XML, data fed by RSS. Stand-alone use or integration in larger projects.

Check out the Documentation for more detail on features. Features include ...

* Ubiquitous use in the Flash Player and with RSS feeds.
* Highly configurable look and feel. Can use images for marking annotations.
* Integrates with weblogging tools, and any software producing RSS.
* Displays photos within the map.
* Zoom & Pan. Integrates with Zoomify for high resolution images, and WMS Sources.
* Lines and Polygons. Time Navigation.
* Accepts input for Collaborative Cartography & GeoWiki.
* Annotations are categorizable. Javascript interface for GIS layer functionality.
* GPS track routes.

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